Lincoln Golf Club is delighted to be able to offer the opportunity, to members and local businesses, to sponsor a small number of our tees. If you would like to take up that opportunity then please contact us on the telephone number or email address below.
Sponsorship provides an excellent and unique opportunity for businesses to advertise on both the course and on the Club website to our existing 675 members, our 4,000 visitors per annum and the 45,000 individuals who view our web page each year.
The basic details of the tee sponsorship package are as follows:
A 3 year package with an option to extend.
The cost is £1000 plus VAT in year 1 and £250 plus VAT in each of years 2 and 3 or alternatively a single payment of £1,200 plus VAT for the 3 years. The tees available in this category are the 5th, 8th, 13th and 16th.
We do also have premium sponsorship options which are the 7th hole and also the putting green which are located immediately in front of the clubhouse and the cost for these are £1,200 plus VAT in year 1 and £350 plus VAT in each of years 2 and 3 or alternatively a single payment of £1,600 plus VAT to cover all 3 years. Currently both the Putting Green and 7th hole are sponsored.
The quality of the tee furniture is available for all to see on the course and so if you are interested in joining the existing sponsors or would like more information then please speak to the Office Team Tel: 01427 718721 or email